CRED 8 Presentations
EMA – new tasks as of 1 March 2022 (and later)
• New tasks (during crisis management) as included in the Regulation concern:
monitoring and mitigating the risk of shortages of critical medicines and medical devices; providing scientific advice on medicines that may have the potential to treat, prevent or diagnose the diseases causing those crises; coordinating studies to monitor the effectiveness and safety of medicinal products intended to treat, prevent or diagnose diseases related to the public health crisis; coordinating clinical trials for medicinal products intended to treat, prevent or diagnose diseases related to the public health crisis; transferring of the EU Expert Panels for clinical evaluation of certain high-risk medical devices and invitro diagnostics of the Medical Device Regulation to the Agency. 17
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
EMA – new tasks as of 1 March 2022 (and later)
• To perform these tasks new groups are being established/formalised
The role of the current EU Executive Steering Group on Shortages Caused by Major Events will be formalized
(MSSG). Additionally, the Regulation provides a legal basis for involving ECDC (European Centre for Disease
Prevention) to obtain epidemiological data to help forecast medicines needs and to request specific data from
Member States and supply-chain stakeholders
A Medical Devices Executive Steering Group on shortages and safety of Medical devices (MDSSG) will be established
Current Emergency Task force will be formalised responsible for leading the scientific response to a declared public
health emergency (e.g. accelerated scientific advices, advice on clinical trials, undertake reviews of medicines to be
used in the public-health emergency and provide recommendations on compassionate use of medicines and on use
and distribution of unauthorized medicines)
The Regulation provides a legal basis for the establishment of the vaccines monitoring platform and for DARWIN
(Data Analysis Real World Interrogation Network). 18
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
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