CRED 8 Presentations
Orphan designation
At time of MAA
Before MAA submission
• Assessment by COMP; EC decision for designation (Orphan register) • To be granted at any stage before MAA submission • To be confirmed before the granting of the MAA
2 nd hurdle: maintenance of OD
1 st hurdle - OD
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
Orphan designation criteria (cumulative)
•Rare condition affecting less than 5 per 10.000 persons in the EU, or •[exceptionally] it is unlikely that the medicine would generate sufficient returns to justify the investment
Seriousness of condition
•Life threatening and/or chronically debilitating condition
Comparison to available treatments
•No satisfactory methods exist, or •Significant benefit vs. existing methods
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
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