CRED Managing Variations Effectively
18 variations for 2 identical products Branded product
Generic duplicate
UK/H/xxx1/001/II/001 complex fee (UK) UK/H/xxx1/001/II/002 complex fee (UK)
UK/H/xxx2/001/II/001 complex fee (UK) UK/H/xxx2/001/II/002 complex fee (UK)
S4.2 update posolgy (duration of treatment Ph III study A07 ) s5.1 update statement regards duration of treatment (Ph III study A07 )
v1 WS
s4.2 and PIL Section 3 regards timing of dosage
UK/H/xxx1/001/II/004 complex fee (UK)
UK/H/xxx2/001/II/004 complex fee (UK)
s5.1 and PIL (mechanism of action) from Ph III study B03 s5.1 (P’dynamic properties) - Ph III study B03
v2 WS
UK/H/xxx1/001/II/005 complex fee UK/H/xxx2/001/II/005 complex fee UK/H/xxx1/001/II/006 complex fee UK/H/xxx2/001/II/006 complex fee
s5.1 to reflect results of Phase III study B03 s5.1 editorial update (P’dynamics) s4.8 clarify text to enhance readability Update the clinical part of the dossier Total fee for single submission: 12 Type II complex + 6 Type IB Total fee for WS and grouping: 3 Type II complex + 3 Type II standard + 1 Type IB = ½ Type IB
UK/H/xxx1/001/IB/07 UK/H/xxx1/001/IB/008
UK/H/xxx2/001/IB/007 UK/H/xxx2/001/IB/008
v3 WS
UK/H/xxx1/001/II/009 complex fee UK/H/xxx2/001/II/09 complex fee
v4 WS
6 Type II complex + 3 Type IB
6 Type II complex + 3 Type IB
v1 = 1 complex + 1 standard v2 = 1 complex + 1 standard v3 = 1 Type IB + ½ Type IB v4 = 1 complex + 1 standard
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