CRED Practical Document Writing and Management

Technical Requirements

● To ensure that PDF files can be accessed efficiently, they should be no larger than 100 megabytes and optimize PDF files for fast web view ● Page size should fit on A4 and Letter paper. Left side margins at least 2.5cm (smaller for landscape – at least 2.0cm) ● Font size for narrative text TNR 12pt, 9-10pt acceptable for tables, footnotes, but avoid smaller ● Black font recommended, and blue can be used for hypertext links ● No background shadowing should be used in tables ● Portrait and landscape pages should be properly oriented ● Bookmarks are essential for efficient navigation through documents. Bk should follow the hierarchical level and the same order of the TOC. ● Page numbering (1 st page should be numbered as page 1) ● Header / footer that briefly identifies its subject matter, should be added as a unique identifier to each page of a document (study identifier, batch number)

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