Module 12 Presentations
Overview of RIMS and its benefits
Why is it important?
What are the benefits?
How does this apply?
✓ Decreased compliance risks ✓ Efficient use of data, authoring and submissions ✓ Immediate access to real-time information ✓ Reduced manual efforts ✓ Tracking of Health Authority communications ✓ Tracking of submission timelines and performances ✓ Accelerated time to market ✓ Improved internal communication and reporting
Compliance: Implementation of data standards (e.g. ISO IDMP) Controlled vocabularies to adhere to standards Product data quality: Re-usage of data from one central location Controlled vocabularies for uniform internal terminologies Quality of internal processes: All regulatory content in one location Streamlined E2E regulatory processes
Impacts all stakeholders involved in E2E regulatory process ✓ Contributing along the submission process ✓ From authoring, editing to approval of regulatory content
✓ Involves all activities
related to planning and tracking of submissions and post-marketing activities
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
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