Module 12 Presentations
Successful regulatory information management
Successful regulatory information management is more than using a system (technology). Processes, information and organization are impacted.
What is the Data Governance (DG) framework for your processes and data management?
What data / documents are required for you defined RIMS scope?
How do you want to use your RIMS from a business perspective?
What is the quality of this data (e.g. aligned to IDMP data standards)?
How will the DG framework be rolled-out in alignment with process implementation
Which processes are in scope?
What is the strategy for process implementation?
What data will you need for your submissions, is the current quality sufficient?
What is the change management strategy?
EXAMPLE: eAF variation submission
Who is responsible to manage and ensure high quality compliant data?
When will you start using RIMS for regulatory data creation?
What eAF structured data must be maintained within your RIMS?
Successful regulatory information management is only possible in case all POTI aspects are considered
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
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