Module 12 Presentations


Introduction to AI and Foundational Thinking

• There are 4 broad types of AI, although not ‘officially’ recognised: • Reactive Machines • Those that react to a pre-determined set 0f yes / no inputs • IR automatic clear sensors, Pheromone instrument • Limited Memory Machines • Programmes that can analyse past / present data and monitor specific objects or situations over time. These observations are programmed into the AI so that its actions can be performed based on both past and present moment data. • The current situation – population statistic, MRI / CT, cognition, heart analysis

The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs


Introduction to AI and Foundational Thinking

• There are 4 broad types of AI, although not ‘officially’ recognised: • Theory of Mind / Emotional • Those that can adapt their output due to varying input analysis including emotions • Think ‘I Robot’ • Self-Awarness • Programmes that are viewed as an individual, can develop other AI’s, become inventive etc • The best Hollywood trope example is?

The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs



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