Module 12 Presentations
Artificial Intelligence Concepts
• Current developmental approaches to AI • Machine Learning • A type of AI that enables a machine to learn on its own by analysing training data, so that it can improve its performance over time • Many types of ML – Programmes have identified a number of seemingly innocuous interactions in data sets – disease diet analysis, large dataset screening identifying common factors etc
Regression analysis Decision Tree Cluster Analysis
Reinforcement learning Supervised / Unsupervised learning
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
Artificial Intelligence Concepts
• Current developmental approaches to AI • Large Language Models • A type of AI that program that can recognise and generate text, among other tasks. • Can be seen as a type of neural network called a transformer model • Trained on massive data sets • Involves the probabilistic analysis of unstructured data, which eventually enables the deep learning model to recognize distinctions between pieces of content without human intervention – The most obvious example?
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
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