Module 12 Presentations
EMA’s Portfolio (roadmap) Value Streams
Managing the Agency ddd
Technology Lifecycle Management
Monitoring ddddddddddd
Research & Development d
Product Lifecycle Management
To enable data-driven , efficient and digitally connected end-to-end product lifecycle management procedures and data exchange which offer valuable regulatory services and reliable information to citizens, healthcare providers, regulators and industry – benefitting public and animal health in the European Union
Digitalise Agency's working and engagement tools to increase efficiency and collaboration
To efficiently manage the Lifecycle of Technology used by EMA. Use modernised solutions while elevating EMA’s security posture.
Maximizing capabilities to monitor the safety and availability of products in the fields of human and veterinary medicines
Integrating data and technology , the R&D VS enables the development of medicines through efficient processes and generation of scientific evidence for the benefit of public and animal health in the EU.
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
Feb 1st, 2024 – TOPRA Module 12
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