Module 1 2021
… is a temporary endeavour with a definite beginning & end … creates a unique product, service, or result [9] A Project …
Meet Regulatory, Legal, or Social Requirements
Satisfy Stakeholder Requests or Needs
Create, Improve, or Fix Products, Processes or Services
Implement or Change Business or Technological Strategies
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs The Organisation for Professionals in Regul tory Affairs
1. Initiation/ Initiating Processes Define a new project or new phase of an existing process by obtaining authorization to start 2. Planning Establish the scope of the project, refine objectives and define the course of actions required 3. Executing Do / complete the work defined in the project management plan 4. Monitoring and Controlling Track, review and regulate the progress and performance, identify any areas in which change s to the plan are required and initiate the corresponding change 5. Closing Formal completion Project Life Cycle – the 5 major steps for effective projects
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs The Organisation for Professionals in Regul tory Affairs
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