Module 16 2022
MDD Annex II.2 requires ● the label or labels on the device and on its packaging…in the languages accepted in the Member States where the device is envisaged to be sold; and ● the instructions for use in the languages accepted in the Member States where the device is envisaged to be sold. ● Professional use exceptions Germany, Norway, Luxembourg ● Often focus is on 5 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish Differing laws and risks can result in labelling variations Likely to prove negligence and defectiveness Does not look good International Labelling
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
Importance of Device Vigilance
Must ensure efficient FSCA/labelling changes ● Vigilance reports disclosable during litigation ● In US, negligence per se to breach FDA reporting requirements ● If inadequate labelling results, company will be liable for resulting injuries
Punitive damages likely if fail to report in U.S. ● Jury assesses damages
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
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