Module 19 2021


Co-development: Analytical performance aspects (1)

• According to the IVDR, analytical performance (and scientific validity) should be demonstrated prior to an IVD clinical performance study

Demonstrate analytical performance

This is aligned to (this) drug regulator viewpoint:

• biomarker assays should be analytically validated for their intended purpose in the trial • level of validation should be more stringent when assay used to manage trial subjects e.g. decide inclusion, allocate treatment

The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs


Biomarker tests may be used for trial eligibility (targeted design) at early phases of drug development: • Prototype CDx or CDx that is CE- marked for different intended purpose • Considered IVD or RUO? • What level of analytical validation is acceptable? • At what timepoint should analytical performance be demonstrated? • Could an early phase drug trial be considered an IVD clinical performance study? • What about adaptive study designs? Co-development: Analytical performance aspects (2) Demonstrate analytical performance?

The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs



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