Module 3 Presentations


Stability of Drug Product…always lot of questions!

What supporting stability data can I use?

Do we need Zone IVa/b stability?

What shelf-life can I assign?

Which country(s) for registration?

Can I submit 6 months real-time data at MAA/NDA submission?

Is drug product stable in Zone IVa/b?

My Drug Product is moisture sensitive!

Do we need site specific stability?

Do we need to invest in specialised packaging?

Do I require in use stability?

Can I choose a harsher condition for stability?

I have stability data at 25 ℃ /60% RH…what is my storage condition?

Is stability data required only on commercial batches

How many batches do I need for stability during submission?

My commercial formulation is different to the clinical formulation!!

The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs


What are the factors, which endanger the stability of pharmaceuticals?

The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs


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