Module 3 - Strategic case studies in practice



HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK? This is an online course involving collaboration between you, your colleagues and the tutor, Helen Erwood. For it to work effectively your active involvement is REALLY IMPORTANT: The course is designed to be interesting, informative and fun. We want you to explore, discover and share your current understanding of regulatory requirements for Module 3, in practical exercises and discussions with your colleagues. How will we do this? Your learning will include: • Short tutorials (typically 30 minutes long) • Interactive review of examples • Exercises and a case study • Individual tasks / activities for you to take away and complete Your commitment: To complete this course you will need to commit to:  Attend all day and positively contribute,  Feedback your case study findings  Return a tiny bit of post-course work back to Helen afterwards. WHO WILL YOU LEARN WITH? This is an online course, which has been developed and is led by Helen Erwood, who has more than 30 years’ experience in pharmaceuticals, devices and drug-device combinations. The tutor is a resource for you. Helen loves interaction, questions and requests for clarifications during the training. Do please get in touch afterwards to discuss the course material if you need help. COURSE FEEDBACK We welcome feedback on the course: we will ask you for your feedback on the course, once you have completed it, so that we can update and optimise how we work with you in the future. This is your course and we want you to feel that is has been worthwhile. CERTIFICATION This course contributes to your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and when you complete it a certificate will be issued to you by TOPRA.

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