Module 6
1. Risk Assessment – Analysis
• The process of Risk Analysis (Sourcing) will lead to an understanding of each “High Risk” Issue.
Analyse each risk
• Results of scientific research (Internal/External)
• Reporting procedures (ADEs, PMS, Signal detection)
• Contacts from external experts
• Contacts by interested organisations
Reports from colleagues
Understand each risk
Why is it a risk?
• Are there common risk sources?
• People, events, supply chain?
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
Issues Management or Managed by Issues?
1. Risk Assessment – Analysis
In relation to a particular Risk, there are certain basic strategies begin to Evaluate • Responding to Risk (Consider the 4 T ’S) • T ake the Risk (where no further cost-effective controls are possible) • T erminate the activity • T ransfer the risk to another party • T reat the risk by instituting appropriate business controls – What the Risk (Location, Finance, IT, ….)
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
Issues Management or Managed by Issues?
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