Module 6


Does the SmPC meet the needs of healthcare professionals? cont.

Does the SmPC meet the needs of healthcare professionals?

• Consistency Issues: The study notes inconsistencies within SmPCs, especially concerning generic medications, which could lead to confusion among prescribers. • Incomplete Information: Certain critical sections, such as those addressing hepatic impairment and pregnancy and breastfeeding, are often incomplete, potentially impacting patient safety. • Conclusion: While the SmPC is an indispensable resource, healthcare professionals may still need to consult additional sources to obtain a comprehensive understanding of a medication’s profile. In summary, while the SmPC is vital for prescribers, improvements in readability, consistency, and completeness are necessary to better serve healthcare professionals and ensure patient safety.

The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs


Summary - Key SmPC Attributes

• A detailed document providing healthcare professionals with essential information about a medicinal product.

Definition and Purpose

• Primarily aimed at healthcare professionals, including doctors and pharmacists.

Target Audience

• Contains comprehensive data, including clinical trial results, dosing information, and contraindications.

Content Detail

• Required for regulatory approval and serves as the basis for the product's marketing authorisation.

Regulatory Importance

• Acts as a legal reference for product safety and efficacy claims.

Legal Importance

• A vital resource among several key sources of information for clinicians, aiding in various aspects of clinical decision making.

Communication Importance

The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs



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