Module 6
Why do we need data protection when products have patent protection?
Pre Clinical research & development
Clinical trials
Expected cost $467,000,000
4 years 4 months
5 years 8 months
Data from JA DiMasil/Journal of Health Economics 22 (2003) 151-185 (2000 figures)
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
Data Exclusivity
Comparison of patents and regulatory data protection
Regulatory data protection
Protects data relating to safety and efficacy of authorised product
Protects compound, manufacturing process, formulation, therapeutic use
Action by innovator against regulatory authority
Action by patent owner against generic competitor
Public law remedy: revocation of marketing authorisation
Private law remedy: injunction and damages
8+2(+1) years protection
20 years from filing + up to five years SPC
Common factor: both designed to protect and reward innovator’s investment in original/improved product
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
Data Exclusivity
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