Module 9 2021
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and related formats
Examples of some of the more common mAb formats..…..
Antigen binding site
Heavy chain
Light chain
Fc Region
Bispecific antibody
Figure modified from Schweizera et al (2014). European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 88, Pages 291-309
Preclinical testing of Biologics – March 22
nd 2021
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
Preclinical Safety of Biologics : Important NBEs are not just “large” small molecules
Small Molecules Less than 500 daltons
Molecular Weight
Greater than 1000 daltons (monoclonal antibody = 150,000 daltons) Typically on target as a result of exaggerated pharmacology Pharmacology often restricted to one species and often primate only MUST be demonstrated Typically intravenous or sub-cutaneous
On or off target
Species specificity
Pharmacology and any off-target toxicity are usually species independent Rodent + Non-rodent
Route of Admin
Typically Oral
Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion
Long half-life in blood Usually catabolized like other proteins
Short half-life (<24hr) May have one or more metabolites which may be active and/or have safety issues
Immunogenicity (Antibodies against the drug may impact efficacy)
Immunogenicity often observed • Needs monitoring in nonclinical and clinical studies
Drug product
Simpler formulations, usually a solution Complex formulation (tablet, nanoparticle, suspension)
Preclinical testing of Biologics – March 22 nd 2021
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
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