Module 9 2024
No Harm Principle
Vaccines target usually healthy population, often infants or children
⚫ Target population may have specific characteristics
▪ Vaccine effect can vary e.g. high malaria prevalence, nutrition, health status
▪ Vaccine effect can vary because of variation in prevailing disease – different vaccine may be needed (e.g. Malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum - Plasmodium vivax )
▪ Vaccine schedule is adapted to population: concomitant medicines or vaccines, disease pressure
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
Vaccines vs. Pharmaceutical Products - Study Populations
Pharmaceutical Products
Generally given prophylactically to people who are well
Generally given as treatments to people who are ill
Large study populations available – but recruitment for studies may be difficult as people may not realize an immediate ‘benefit’ from participation
Recruitment for studies easier as patients may find a ‘benefit’ in the experimental treatment vs. the current available options, but pool of patients to recruit from is small
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
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