Module 9 2024
Risk Based Approach (RBA)
What Regulatory people get asked... •
What type of studies shall we do? Which techniques should we use? How much? How many batches?
• • •
What do Authorities want to see? What Regulatory people usually answer:
Well it depends ....
• Risks are product specific, for a specific patient population • Each case is different and needs a scientific and rational approach • May also depend on the stage of development
Courtesy: Florence Salmon
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
Mapping the Risks…
Starting materials (cells and genetic modification tools) ● Origin of the donor (donor testing) ● Risks of using viral vectors are different for each type of vector (lenti, retro) with specific characteristics (integration, off-target) ● Risks with autologous cells are different from risks with allogenic cells ● Collection, logistics, storage Manufacturing process ● Risks of using gene-editing are different for each type of tool (HDR, TALENs) ● Raw materials and media (origin, impurities, biologic risk)
● Equipment (closed or not-really completely closed) ● Length of culture (what does it do to the cells) Patient population ● Age, stage of disease (residual disease, clonality) ● Healthy donors, HLA-matched or partial mismatch ● Concomitant or prior therapies (exhausted T cells)
The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
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