Spring Intro 2023


The cell culture process includes critical parameters that can vary the outcome of the manufacture


Motor: RPM 2,4

Gases 4 : N 2 , O 2 , CO 2

Feed 2 Alkali 3

Probe outputs: temperature , pH, dissolved oxygen 2

Cell and growth media 2

N 2 = nitrogen; O 2 = oxygen; CO 2 = carbon dioxide; RPM = revolutions per minute. A mgen Inc. An Introduction to Biotechnology. www.amgen.com/pdfs/misc/An_Introduction_Biotechnology.pdf. Accessed February 10, 2012 . 2. Martin I, et al. Trends Biotech . 2004;22:80-86. 3. Langheinrich C, et al. Biotechnol Bioeng . 1999;66:171-179. 4. Rodrigues C, et al. Biotechnology Advances . 2011;29:815 829.


Several purification steps are needed to remove impurities and product variants

Removing process impurities (trace DNA, host cell proteins, endotoxins) and product impurities

Intermediate Product

Final Product



Virus Filtration

Further Stages

Chromatography Concentration Diafiltration

[Adapted from presentation by G. Slaff, Amgen, Innovations in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing – A Critical Step for Patients, at EAHP, Barcelona, March 26, 2009]


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