Module 5 Presentations


Docs for CTN in Japan

Described in next slide

CTN Form


English + Japanese translation

CRF sample


Informed Consent (IC) form


Scientific Justification

Japanese. Justify based on the available preclinical/clinical data

Investigator’s brochure (IB)


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CTN Review Period

- 30-day review is required for initial clinical trials of Japanese clinical development programs for new active ingredients, new administration routes, new combinations, new indications, and new dosage and administrations. - For active ingredients already approved for a particular indication (expansion of indication, route of indication or dosage) there is two- week review period. In such cases, there are no major questions from the agency, unless there are serious safety issues. If there is no contact from the agency 2 weeks after the submission, the sponsor can start the trial (sponsor can proceed with the contracts with clinical sites).

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